Thursday, May 2, 2013

April Goes Out...

The month of April was INSANE at my house.  All three of the kids were involved with activities and I don't know how we made it through.  But we did.

Our Spring Break was the first week of April and the kids and I went to spend a few days at the lake with my parents.  That was nice and relaxing.

We came home on April 4 to this:

 Will was on his school's baseball team, but most of their games in March were cancelled due to weather.  So they extended their season two weeks.  So our April was even busier than I had expected...

I had to miss some of Will's games because Laura had practice or a game and/or Natalie had a rehearsal or a Girl Scout activity.  (I think I forgot to mention that Natalie was in a production of The Little Mermaid with the community theater so she's been having rehearsals for a few months.)

I do not know how single parents do it.  John was able to get off work early enough to pick up random kids when they all had something going on the same night.  Thank goodness...

Natalie's performances of her play were on a Friday and Saturday evening.  And I was a little relieved that both Will and Laura's games were cancelled that Friday so our weekend was slightly less hectic than originally scheduled.

The rest of these pics are in chronological order.  And I did not include photos from every game we had.

Laura's first game.  She's the right fielder.

She got hits her first two times at bat.

On third getting ready to come home.

Will and John came to Laura's game after his game was over.  He got the game ball that night due to an awesome play and was made a starting player for the rest of the season.  (As a 7th grader, he didn't get to play a whole lot the first part of the season.)

Laura hanging out with me at one of Will's games.  Natalie had rehearsal.

Natalie played one of Ariel's sisters in The Little Mermaid.

Her Kindergarten/first grade teacher came to the show and brought her flowers.

Here is her mermaid costume.

It was a crazy busy month.  Now the only things on the calendar until school is over are Natalie's Girl Scout meetings and Laura's softball games and practices.  Easy peasy!  lol

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