Friday, May 16, 2014

Kids Are So Funny

It's been so long since I've written anything of substance (Hahaha!) here that I can't remember if I have told y'all that I've been volunteering up at Laura's school this year.  So I'll tell you again (and let's face it; even if I had written it before it is doubtful that most of y'all even remembered that; lol).

I've been helping the kids with sewing.  Our current project, which we started last week, is to make a quilted potholder.  So their first step was to decide what they wanted it to look like.  I brought in some of my quilting books so they could look at quilt blocks for ideas.

Some of them picked really complicated patterns.  Then this week when we were ready to cut the fabric I told them we had to decide what size squares, etc. we needed to cut to end up with an 8-inch potholder.  One girl exclaimed, "We have to do MATH?"

A lot of the kids had that reaction and it was kind of funny how many of them decided they just wanted to do a plain ole 4 Patch block.  (Made up of 4 equal-sized squares.)

1 comment:

  1. Haha! Little stinkers. Always good for a laugh. :)
    Hope all is well with you and your family!
