Saturday, June 15, 2013

I Can See Clearly Now

 Part II

After our foggy hike among the trees, the girls were ready for lunch.  When we first arrived at Craggy Gardens, we went in the visitor center and I asked the guy working in there if he knew how much farther along the Parkway the fog ended and he said not more than a couple of miles past the visitor center towards the picnic area.

It looked like it was starting to dissipate when we got back to the parking lot.  When we went around the first curve after leaving, it was clear.  Thank goodness.

We stopped for lunch in the picnic area, where there were lots of rhododendrons blooming.

After we ate, the girls wanted to go back and redo our hike since it was likely to be clear now.

We enjoyed our hike the second time we did it, too.

And this time we went all the way to the end of the trail, which leads to Craggy Flats.

We were actually able to see the beautiful views from the parking lot, too.

The rhododendrons were not quite at peak yet, but the ones that were blooming were gorgeous.


  1. I love it that you are teaching your family to hike and enjoy nature, Wendy. That's something they will carry thru for all their lives.

    Shirley Purcell

  2. Wow. That is just gorgeous!

    And your header photo is amazing!!!
