I'm taking a break from my unintentional blogging break to share a story.
I signed Laura up for softball a few weeks ago. She is so excited about getting to play this year; she has asked me frequently when her practices start.
I finally heard from her coach yesterday evening and looked through our garage for Will and Natalie's hand-me-downs. I was pretty sure we already had everything she would need.
I located a pair of cleats that fit her and a batting helmet. I was searching for Natalie's old softball glove and couldn't find it. The first one that Natalie used was chewed up by one (or both) of our dogs and I couldn't remember if we'd replaced it or she had just used one of Will's old baseball gloves.
Natalie was taking a shower at the time, so I asked Will if he remembered which glove she had used. He said, "I don't know." Then he said, "Wait a minute!" and ran out of the room.
I followed him into Laura's room and he was looking under her mattress. He told me that he had put it under there to soften it up right after I had signed her up. He said that he hadn't even been able to get his hand in it because it was too hard. So he put it under the mattress and then had forgotten about it until I asked him.
So now Laura has a flexible softball glove. And it's good to know that her big brother is watching out for her.