Sunday, December 30, 2012

Yep, still here!

So, to recap the last month or so...

We had a great Thanksgiving in South Carolina with John's parents and sister.

Will has done really well with his wrestling.

We were actually sociable, going to two Christmas parties this year.  They were both fun.

John's parents came up to see my choir concert and Natalie's play.  We had a good time with them and my mother-in-law got to come up to the elementary school for a couple of days and wrap presents for the PTO's Santa Shop.  That's always fun; the kids have such a great time picking out presents for their families.

Natalie did an outstanding job in her role in A Christmas Carol.  Opening night, she was a little hoarse, but when she spoke her lines, you couldn't tell.  She said later that she just "Spoke through it."  We saw the play twice and she was awesome both times.  Didn't miss any of her cues and you could understand all of her lines perfectly, even though she did not have a microphone.

Our Christmas was good, but John and I were sick, so we decided not to go to my parents' house.  I really missed spending a few days with them and my sisters and their families.  My sister Chrissy was unable to go as well, due to bad travelling weather.  So the kids don't feel like they missed out on quite as much since all of their cousins weren't going to be there.

We had some snow on Dec. 21 and the girls went sledding in it for a little bit.

Will had his 13th birthday on Dec. 22.  He was supposed to have a couple of friends ride the bus home with him on the 21st, but since school was cancelled due to snow, we'll have to reschedule that.

And that brings us up to today!

We had some snow accumulate overnight and I actually felt well enough to go out and get some pictures.

Mama and Daddy stopped by on their way back to Ohio early this afternoon.  We had lunch and exchanged presents before they hit the road again.

Daddy made some wonderful things in his workshop, the girls both got some jewelry music boxes, I got a beautiful wooden box and Will got some new tools and a gorgeous toolbox to put them in.  We all loved our gifts.

I hope everyone has had a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!